16. 03. 2020
група ТУ № 37
"Кухар, Кондитер"
Англійська мова
Урок № 2
група ТУ № 37
"Кухар, Кондитер"
Англійська мова
Урок № 2
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Тема уроку:
" Ukrainian Cuisine "
2.1 Ukrainian
Ukrainian cuisine is closely linked to the customs,
culture, and way of life of the Ukrainian people. It is famous for its
diversity and flavours.
The most popular Ukrainian dish is borsch. This thick
and delicious soup is prepared with a variety of ingredients including meat,
mushrooms, beans, and even prunes.

Ukrainians like dairy products. Some samples: cheese
pancakes and "riazhanka" (fermented baked milk). There are no
holidays without pies, "pampushky" (type of fritters),
"baba" (a tall cylindrical cake) and honey cakes.
Ukrainian sausage is delicious. It is preserved in a
special way — in porcelain vessels filled by melted fat.
Of course, every region of Ukraine has its own recipes and
Answer the
1. What is Ukrainian cuisine famous for?
2. What is the most popular Ukrainian dish ?
3. What are the other popular Ukrainian dishes?
4. What products do Ukrainians like ?
5. What is your favourite Ukrainian dish ?
6. What Ukrainian dishes do you like to cook?
2.2 You
know that Ukrainian cuisine is very varied and Ukrainians are famed for their
hospitality. Ukraine like other countries has its own national cuisine.
Read and guess what a Ukrainian specialty each paragraph mentions about
A It is a brawn made from
boiling pigs’ trotters1. The meat is picked off the bone and the gravy sets
around it into a jelly as it cools; served with horseradish or mustard.
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B Pancakes, often made with soured milk for a lighter
batter. Thinner pancakes are called nalysnyky, which are rolled and served
with a stuffing, usually fruit or jam.
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E Pork fat — no description of Ukrainian cuisine would
be complete without it. Ukrainians like their pigs to be fat for it. Spices
are rubbed into the skin. It’s eaten in thin slices on black bread with
garlic and salt. Especially delicious is the
smoked version.
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D Soup based on beetroot with
meat and other vegetables; served with sour cream. There are
many regional varieties.
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C Cabbage rolls stuffed with
rice and vegetables, or possibly with spiced minced meat, and stewed slowly
in the oven.
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F Ravioli-like pasta stuffed
with potato, cabbage, mushrooms, meat or cheese, or with cherries as a sweet
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G A domestic sausage, but it
can’t be called saliami. The only way to sample true home-prepared sausage is
by experiencing it for yourself with the sights and smells of the markets of
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H Pancakes made from grated potato and flour and
fried; served with sour cream.
2.3 Match
the word combinations with the pictures (A-F).

Boiled rice
Fried eggs
Put two of the words in the box into the
correct column.
beans, duck, lettuce, peaches, prawns, salmon, sausage, strawberries
2.5 Read
the recipe and put the steps below in the correct order.

Put the chopped beetroot, carrots and green beans into a saucepan with
about 2 litres of water and cook for a while. Then, add the rest of the
vegetables, dill and salt and cook until vegetables are tender, adding more
water if necessary. Fry the finely chopped onion in oil in a small frying pan
and add flour. Stir until smooth. You use this to thicken the soup; add this to
the borshch when the vegetables are cooked. Add some cream and the freshly
chopped garlic and cook for about 5 minutes more. Adjust seasoning if
necessary. Serve
1 cup chopped fresh beetroot

3 cups green beans cut into small pieces
3 or 4 medium potatoes, cubed
1 kilo chopped or shredded cabbage
1/2 kilo fresh or canned tomatoes chopped
1/2 cup chopped onion
1/2 cup fresh dill, chopped
salt to taste
tablespoons finely Chopped onion
tablespoons oil
tablespoons flour
minced garlic, to your taste
Prepare thickener.
Taste, add salt.
Add the rest of the cabbage, potatoes,
tomatoes, onion and dill and let them cook.
Add thickener to borshch.
Add cream and garlic, and cook.
Cook the beetroot, carrots and green
beans in 2 I of water.
слова законспектувати та вчити.
завдання: опрацювати поданий матеріал. Написати самостійно рецепт приготування
борщу .
надсилати на електронну адресу yuli4chka17@gmail.com
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